
All governments promised development for San Nicolas, and there is a development there is no action

Pap Den Tur E Discusionnan Cu Tin Andando Den E Parti Finansiero Di Aruba Ta Pidi Un Atencion Riba Un Proyecto Cu Ex Minister Otmar Oduber Ta Considera

In all the discussions that are going on in the financial part of Aruba, the attention is requested to a project that former minister Otmar Oduber considers most important for Aruba and certainly for the people of San Nicolas as the most important, is the construction of the hotel Secrets.

As is well known, the Secrets hotel is in the news and in the public eye as there is a case that has been filed against the developers, in this case against the government of Aruba. This situation has a huge impact on our island. Former Minister Otmar Oduber acknowledges that we often do not stand still and analyze the situation.

There is a great lack of non-critical members of parliament, but also of other politicians who are not active to ask and question what is happening with a development that we all know that since the Lago Oil Refinery left Aruba in the years 1985 -1986 it was not only one government but all governments that allocated this area for a tourism development and to focus to get a hotel for the area.

In the past many attempts were made with different ministers of tourism and economy. At the moment there is a project that is going on and unfortunately from the parliament do not call the  minister and to call the group and those who are responsible in order to get an idea of what is happening with the hotel Secrets.

It looks that the government has answered the objections from the two neighbours about this project, which means that is complying with Court verdict and which  means that the Secrets project could continue. These are important issues and unfortunately do not come up in discussions these days.

Secrets Aruba is a project that has complied and passed through the entire trajectory where it has fulfilled all the permits and all the requirements of the government to be able to execute a project that Aruba itself has been looking for for a long time and now that Aruba is almost achieving that this project is a reality in Aruba, Aruba is receiving a threat, but we do not reflect that Aruba is with a threat of millions dollar claim that can take place. This is not because of the government either, but two neighbors who have sought their rights through law to safeguard their rights and went to court and where the government has already answered this and the developers can continue with their work.

However, this does not mean that the obstacles are over, but it is very strange that in the parliament of Aruba, the AVP faction, MEP, RAIZ and Accion 21 have no questions on this part. Former minister Otmar Oduber laments that the parliament itself is not active and does not show its support for such a large project for the people of San Nicolas. This is a project that after the Lago Refinery it will become the most important project for the development of the entire neighborhood and the entire community of San Nicolas in terms of employment, economic development in its entirety.

When Hotel Secrets opens its doors, the impact will be so great that stores in San Nicolas will start to open, but also the stores that are still struggling in San Nicolas may find relief, where practically with the presence of Hotel Secrets in San Nicolas will be a solution to create a flourishing economy for the whole of Aruba, but unfortunately the parliament is not looking for a way to do something to make this project possible.

It’s no secret that when the campaign began everyone headed for San Nicolas, the largest district in Aruba and with the most voters. At the time of arrival in San Nicolas all the governments promised development, but today that there is a development there is any action of the parliament, with the exception of parliamentarian Alvin Molina who asked some questions.

Former Minister Otmar Oduber appeals to the government to support this project, and try to be able to talk to the two neighbors. In this case the general welfare is the one that should prevail for the people of San Nicolas in the first place, but certainly also for the whole Aruba.

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