
Bonaire kids music festival ta kambia di lokalidat

Art Culture Education Foundation Ace Foundation

Art Culture Education Foundation (ACE Foundation) ta partisipá ku debí na desaroyonan for di su alkanse, ku Bonaire Kids Music Festival ta kambia di lokalidat i no lo ta na Sentro di Bario Tera Cora manera tabata plania. E festival ku ta tuma lugá Djasabra awor 25 di Novèmber ta tuma lugá na SGB (Scholengemeenschap Bonaire). E orario ta keda meskos di 15:00 – 21:00. E programa di show riba esenario ta parti den dos sekshon, grupo A i grupo B. Grupo A ta di 15:00 – 18:00 i Grupo B ta di 18:00 – 21:00. Naturalmente tur hende ta bon bini henter dia na e parti di festival kaminda ta bai tin bonser i weganan pa mucha ku posibilidat pa gana diferente premio.

Manera a anunsiá anteriormente e “headliners” di Bonaire Kids Music Festival” lo ta Grupo Angelitos di Kòrsou konosí pa tantu grandi i chiki pa nan kantikanan manera mi “Mi tata su truk” i tambe ACE Tweens Club ku lo bai presentá entre otro e kantika “Na mi Kas” komo parti di nan show. This is Ella i R’Zhion tambe lo ta presente ku nan kantika “Orea ta pa tende” ku a wòrdu lansa algun siman pasa. “Orea ta pa tende” ta un kantika pa mucha na papiamentu riba e género di Dembow ku a krese basta den popularidat último añanan. Banda di esaki ta bai tin presentashon di dos kuenta kòrtiku ku ta “Kompa Flamingo” i “Aventura di Chichi” trese pa Rocio Chavez Mezza. Tio Tony ku su Panchito Club lo tei presente pa ku pa animá i hasi wega ku e muchanan.

Karchinan ta disponibel na Joshantie’s Multishop i tambe na number di telefòn +5997900155. Tambe por tuma kontakto ku ACE Foundation via di nan página di Facebook “ACE Bonaire”. Riba e página aki tambe lo por mira e programa kompletu pa Kids Music Festival.


The Art Culture Education Foundation (ACE Foundation) is participating in the development of events beyond its reach, with the Bonaire Kids Music Festival changing location and will not be held at the Tera Cora Community Center as planned. The festival, which takes place this Saturday, November 25th, will be held at SGB (Scholengemeenschap Bonaire). The schedule remains the same from 3:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The show program on stage is divided into two sections, group A and group B. Group A is from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm and Group B is from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Of course, everyone is welcome all day at the festival where there will be games and activities for children with the possibility of winning different prizes1.

As previously announced, the headliners of the Bonaire Kids Music Festival will be Grupo Angelitos from Curaçao, known for their songs for both adults and children such as “Mi tata su truk”. ACE Tweens Club will also present their song “Na mi Kas” as part of their show. Ella and R’Zhion will also be present with their song “Orea ta pa tende”, which was released a few weeks ago. “Orea ta pa tende” is a song for children in Papiamentu on the Dembow genre that has grown in popularity in recent years. In addition, there will be two short story presentations by Rocio Chavez Mezza, “Kompa Flamingo” and “Aventura di Chichi”. Tio Tony with his Panchito Club will be present to entertain and play games with the children1.

Tickets are available at Joshantie’s Multishop and also at telephone number +5997900155. You can also contact the ACE Foundation through their Facebook page “ACE Bonaire”. On this page, you can also see the complete program for the Kids Music Festival1.

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