
Weather forecast valid until Thursday, September 7, 2023

Pappronostico Di Tempo Valido Te Diahuebs 07 Di September 2023

Weather: In theafternoon and evening: partially cloudy and generally dry on Tuesday and tomorrow, partially cloudy with brief rain.

The maximum temperature is 34 degrees Celsius, the minimum temperature is 28 degrees Celsius heat index in and around noon: 35 to 44 degrees celsius UV index: 12 , sunset: 6:47 pm, sunrise: 6:29 am. This is the time of the year when the sun is at its highest.

Winds are moderate to strong from the east-northeast and east-southeast; Force 4 to 5 (20 to 39 km/h, 11 to 21 knots) during the day strong to possibly heavy; force 6 to 7 (40 to 61 km/h, 22 to 33 knots) Overall weather for the next 24 hours: no changes expected in the type of weather, the available humidity in the region can produce especially in the early morning hours and in the morning a slight local rain.

Maritime conditions/sea status: in protected parts of the coast: quiet, about 1 foot. in the southern parts: calm, between 2 and 3 feet. in the east to northwest parts of the coast: calm to moderate, between 4 to 6 feet

warning: none, no special phenomena: none Significant tropical weather: Tropical Storm Lee was located 1,900 km east of the islands above it are moving west-northwest at 22 km per hour. The DMA will keep a close eye on developments in the case.

Rainfall potential for the next 24 hours: 1 mm; locally this may vary. Recorded temperature (degrees celsius) and rainfall (mm) in the last 24 hours (8 am to 8 am): airport: max 33 / min 28 / 0.0 mm,westpoint: max 33 / min 28 / 0.0 mm,pink: max 34 / min 28 / 0.0 mm

Weather forecast for next 3 days: partially cloudy with a brief rain. The wind will be from the east and moderate to very strong, strong to possibly heavy

in rafael. temperature (degrees celsius) max / min will be: 34 / 28 the meteorological department will work on wednesday september 6 2023 17:00 (21:00 utc)


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