
Mike Eman: It hurts to lose a good party member

Mike Eman

AVP leader after the announcement of the resignation of MP Gerlien Croes, admitted that there is a way forward and they are preparing to rescue the country once again as they did in the past.

Mike Eman said that he does not withdraw the three least important candidates, but he serves to help them continue to prepare.
It’s painful and more painful because not wanting to lose a good party member, Mike Eman started his statement cleanly after Gerlien Croes finished her speech. He even took up the cross and was declared a success.

This is certainly something we wanted to avoid. We invested a lot of time on different levels, with the people involved and each time we put Aruba first, the island waiting on a big AVP. It was not the right time for the party to have such divisions. Croes was seen as a future leader and was seen as the person who would lead the party in the future. Pesey gave space to carry the party in all kinds of meetings both in Aruba and abroad, as the voice of those who have different thoughts. Efforts failed to keep Gerlien in the party.

AVP has a much greater responsibility now to bring everyone together, to bring the vision to save Aruba. This was part of the statement of the AVP party leader.
He recalled that Gerlien came from a long-established AVP family. Pesey wished he could have announced that the engagement would continue. But that was not the case. Everyone has the right to take the direction they want, and those who remain behind AVP to unite to form a great force because AVP has a great responsibility to fix and come up with solutions for the people of Aruba.
He concluded by saying that now he will try to bring everyone together and address the challenge with the vision and goal to serve this country.

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1 comment

Mike Eman: It hurts to lose a good party member - Notisia 365 May 15, 2023 at 2:30 pm

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