
Our faith, obedience, and dependence on God must be firm at all times

Pap Nos Fe Obediencia Y Dependencia Na Dios Mester Ta Firme Tur Momento.3

We must always ask God for help before we do anything, and not rely on our own strength, but on God’s strength, so that in everything we do we may be guided by God’s guidance and that everything may go well for us.

And what he asks for in faith he must have, for without faith it is impossible to please God. What we need in life is pure wisdom, which opens the door to us and which only comes from God.

If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But judge, and it will be judged to you. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is the only one who receives what he asks for.

They are like the waves of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is double – minded in all he does. (James 1:5-8) How can we do this?

We do well to imitate those who have maintained their faith, hope, and obedience. By faith Noah, when warned by God, built an ark to save himself and his family and all the wild animals of the sea. The bishop escaped from the flood. (Gen. 7:1-5) What was that?

Without weakening in his faith, Abraham, when he was ninety – nine years old, was encouraged to be like his father.

who, as it is said, did not have a son until now. But Sarah died, and Abraham had another wife named Keturah, and they had six sons.

David obeyed and trusted fully in God, and he defeated the giant Goliath, who had been Saul’s enemy. (1 Samuel 17:45-50) But David’s mighty army was not strong enough to defeat Goliath.

And it came to pass, when Hannah believed that the Lord opened her womb, and she bore a son, and called his name Samuel. (1 Sam. 1:20) What did that mean?

Daniel obeyed and trusted in God, and he was thrown into the lions’ den.

angel to shut the mouths of the lions. (Daniel 6:21-22) He was a man of integrity. Mary’s faith and obedience and her trust in God resulted in our Savior Jesus’ coming into the world. “I am the Lord’s servant, ” Mary answered. May it be to me as you have said”. (Luke 1:38) How did that happen?

Pesey in Luke 1:46-56 Mary offers a song of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord. The man believed and obeyed Jesus, even though his household had heard that his daughter was dead. (Mark 5:40-42) The woman’s daughter was healed.  Peter looked at Jesus and said, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you”. “Come, ” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. Matthew 14:28-29).

Then Peter and John, filled with faith and encouragement from God, said to the man born blind, “Silver or gold I do not possess, but what I do have I give you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord”.

Then he went out to Nazareth and touched the man’s right hand and foot. Immediately the man’s feet and ankles became stronger.

The time has come for all of us to recognize the power of the name of Christ Jesus, and for all of us to give our lives to Christ Jesus so that we may be saved and have eternal life. (John 3:16-18) What a wonderful example for us! Family fortaleza: Written by Pastor Marcel Balootje. The book is about a family’s struggle for survival.

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